Now that 2017 is over I have been looking through my photos from our trips last year. I am so happy we were able to revisit 3 of our favorite places: Joshua Tree, San Diego, and Sedona Arizona. It was fun to go back this time with my baby boy and to also have an upgraded camera since the last time I had visited these places.
Here are some of my favorite images from our road trips. Prints are available in my Etsy shop or directly through me, email me at

In April we went to San Diego. The last time we were here was in 2014 when baby boy was not even a year old. We had a lot of fun then because we were visiting family but this time we had a blast because he could play in the water. He was obsessed with the beach. I mean, who isn't right? :) Coronado was hands down our favorite.

In November we went to Sedona Arizona. We first went 11 years ago. It was so much fun to have baby boy with us this time. And Sedona has changed a bit since we were last there. This time we made side trips to Jerome, Cottonwood and Prescott. Arizona is such a beautiful state.

I also have a few beach favs from our little trips around town...

So here's hoping 2018 will bring even more adventures! xx